Friday, January 16, 2009


so. haven't blogged in while. not my intention.
excuse moi if i've fallen into a bit of a winter depression.
case in point....crying my eyes out listening to this walkley, "somebody". so simple, yet so beautiful. preview it on itunes, or his myspace

"Seize the day is all you seem to say
When the night comes,I’ll be on my way
‘Cause I’m lonely,and I’m longing
To be somebody
To need somebody
To be somebody
Just like me
lead the way there’s nothing more to say
day becomes the night and slips away
and I’m sorry that it’s gone
I was only trying to find someone
To be somebody
To need somebody
To be somebody
Just like me
Tell everyone
This is the sum
of all the odds and ends
I ever dreamed of
And when I’m gone
Let this one
remind you that you’ll always
be somebody
to me..."

ahhh. fucking violins. do it to me every time.
i think i needed a good cry, though.
i PROMISE i will be better at blogging. i will TRY.

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