Monday, January 19, 2009


So tomorrow is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGELY important day. We are going to have not only a NEW President, but the FIRST Black President. Amazing. I was on pins and needles all through this last year or so. I was (and still am!) a big fan of Hillary. I saw her give a lecture in Syracuse while I was in college, and she is impressive. Very intelligent. Large and in charge. Knows what she’s talking about. Then, when I heard about Obama and everything he was standing for, I was swayed. He amazed me. His confidence and presence- everything about him was so charismatic. For the first time, really, I was excited to see how this would all pan out- either way, we had the possibility of a first female President or the first Black President. That fact alone was epic. As I thought about it, though, I got kind of scared. I honestly was not hopeful that America was ready to see either a woman or a Black man in charge. How far have we REALLY come? We’ve all heard the jokes and the talk about Hillary- people like to talk about how much of a “bitch” she is, and how she wears the pants, etc.…..thinly veiled defensiveness on the part of the American public towards a strong, intelligent female. Instead of teaching our daughters that a powerful, educated, take-charge woman is someone to emulate, we are teaching them that she is someone to HATE- and not only hate, but FEAR. We need to change this. Not to go off on a feminist tangent, but we have GOT TO STOP teaching little girls to hate themselves and who they are. We need to break the cycle. Same holds true for Black boys. I taught elementary school in Newark, a very rough inner city here in Jersey, and I have NEVER seen anything like the anger and scorn these little boys have toward themselves and their peers. It’s real. I’m hopeful that our new President will show them that there is a way out…there are positive things you can do with your life….there is hope. Hope. There is an air in America right now of hope, almost on the brink of desperation. Things have gotten REALLY, REALLY bad- the economy, the military, the war….I think we are placing a lot on Obama’s shoulders. I almost fear that we’re setting him up for a little bit of failure- there is no way that he can possibly undo all the terrible things that have happened with this last administration. However, I have to believe that he will do all he can to make a change in the right direction for us as a country and will lead us all towards a positive rebuilding, and a heightened morale for all of us. I am super excited to be able to say that I was a (tiny!) part in making this all happen, and I am looking up, up, up….not back. Here’s to better times for all of us ahead. It feels like tomorrow should be New Year’s!
Sending out lots of blessings and good vibes to all………lord knows I need some of that positivity to come back to me! : )

Let’s start making changes…………right now.

Friday, January 16, 2009


so. haven't blogged in while. not my intention.
excuse moi if i've fallen into a bit of a winter depression.
case in point....crying my eyes out listening to this walkley, "somebody". so simple, yet so beautiful. preview it on itunes, or his myspace

"Seize the day is all you seem to say
When the night comes,I’ll be on my way
‘Cause I’m lonely,and I’m longing
To be somebody
To need somebody
To be somebody
Just like me
lead the way there’s nothing more to say
day becomes the night and slips away
and I’m sorry that it’s gone
I was only trying to find someone
To be somebody
To need somebody
To be somebody
Just like me
Tell everyone
This is the sum
of all the odds and ends
I ever dreamed of
And when I’m gone
Let this one
remind you that you’ll always
be somebody
to me..."

ahhh. fucking violins. do it to me every time.
i think i needed a good cry, though.
i PROMISE i will be better at blogging. i will TRY.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

turn, turn, turn

Whoa. SO I haven't "blogged" in ages. Time to get cracking. So, November is always kind of a strange month for me. October here in Jersey tends to be pretty mild and mellow, but November is when you really start to feel winter looming. The holidays are right around the corner (boo, hiss @ the economy)...I am ALWAYS super stressed. I don't know. I've realized that I need to just..........relax and try to enjoy. Usually I'm like clawing the walls not wanting to go anywhere for Thanksgiving (NOT my favorite holiday) but this year I am actually looking forward to it- going to the Poconos and then shooting up to Syracuse to see my girlfriends.
On a random note, I heart my new fish. Firebird, Ninja, and Kuromi, and yeah- shut up about the names....they're MY fish! ; ) Dice enjoys staring at them for hours on end....with a longing expression on his little feline close, yet so far away..... : )
Anyway, hope everyone is having a great weekend. There's actually a Tornado warning in effect right now for the NYC area which is freaking me out....although if I end up in Oz, hey- kick ass.
Peace and hair grease.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

first things first....

well, so here it is. my first bloggity blog on here.
this will basically be a personal blog, for now. for me. i have lots on my mind and hopefully this will help clear up all the bullshit.
anyway. so, this blog address and stuff will not be given out until i'm comfortable enough to do so.
as far as life is going...i've been keeping busy. The animals, my gardening (it sounds corny but i'm loving it), looking for a new job (some prospects hopefully on the horizon), painting and writing....trying to keep my mind focused.
anyway, will write more later. have some things to do.....

peace! shalom! all that good stuff!